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8 Houseplants That Give You a Breath of Fresh Air

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You may not realize that the indoor air you're breathing right now is laden with formaldehyde, benzene and other chemicals that could kill you. They're called Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs, which are emitted by [...]

What you need to know about who is Buying Homes

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There’s always a lot of news around housing numbers. Whether home sales are up or down, hot or cold, when they’re released, housing numbers grab headlines. According to the most recent numbers from the National [...]

How to Keep Home Maintenance Costs Under $300 a Year

6:09 pm|Comments Off on How to Keep Home Maintenance Costs Under $300 a Year

A little TLC maintenance goes a long way toward staving off expensive repairs. Cringe at the thought of major repairs to your home? It’s the little preventative maintenance things you do throughout the year that’ll [...]

Get Rid of Bugs and Insects

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Summer is in full swing which means enjoying heaps of outdoor activities like swimming and barbecuing. Often times, however, our excitement gets halted by a variety of annoying bugs and insects. Thankfully there are at [...]

Living Like the Jetsons: Homes of the Future

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Smart amenities posed to revolutionize the way we live. Imagine waking up, the lights flicker on and your home greets you, “Good Morning,” along with the day’s weather report and news headlines. No, this isn’t [...]

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